Posted by: hillsidehouse | November 26, 2008

Rain on our roof

Today we witnessed the rare phenomenon of water falling from the sky to the earth.  Hard, steady rain, something we haven’t seen for months.  Staff were out of practice and so got some of the raincoats on the wrong residents.  Gail was not pleased.  A few residents were home for meetings or doctors appointments, so Angelica and Valentina did crafts.  They made turkeys cut out of felt and cardboard.

Staff and residents making turkeys

Staff and residents making turkeys

Excavation continues as we try to find the leak in our sewer pipe.  A new hole appears in the corner of the dining room, and the sound of a jackhammer is heard in every corner of our building.
Men, power tools and dirt

Men, power tools and dirt

The rain stops at the end of the day, at least for long enough to hang the residents’ lunch bags on the back fence to air dry after they are washed.  Tomorrow will bring a turkey dinner. 

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